Happy New Year

The children were so excited to see each other again after our break.  Some appeared nervous to get back into routine.  Routines are very important but so is getting used to change.  I had changed the classroom around a little to keep the environment fresh.  The students table spots were rearranged and the Cubbies, Science, Writing, Art and  Drama areas were also moved around.   This is an important lesson for children as some children need the change to keep learning fun.  For some of the students change is difficult but Kindergarten is a great place to explore their feelings and grow into learning how to adapt to change.  We added a puppet theater area which appears to be a hit with the students.


We are learning about Winter Season now.  We are learning about snow and the cold weather temperatures.  The students and I had so much fun learning about when water freezes and looking at the different variables such as the type of container the water was left in that may impact our findings.  We added chalk bits for fun.

Water in a tin pail with chalk bits to add colour.
We tried to chip out the chalk from the ice too!
