BSLS Kindergarten at Home

Hello Kindergarten Families,

Our new home learning adventure is about to begin and I want to explain how we will be learning and communicating. We will be using the following 3 communication and learning tools:

1. On the front page of our BSLS Kindergarten blog there are links that can take you and your child directly to some wonderful learning opportunities. These include our Learning to Keyboard Program, Vooks Reading Program (which they are offering free for a month) and Mr. Badiuk’s music blog where you can receive your child’s music assignments.

2. I will continue to communicate with you regularly through Talking Points and my email to offer the new assignments and projects and to answer the questions you may have.

3.  I am excited to share the application entitled SeeSaw.  Today in your child’s B.E.E. Booklet you will find your child’s personal learning code for SeeSaw. Through this application I can give you regular/daily assignments including educational games and videos for your child to complete and then send back to me for assessment.  Mr. Wozney will also have Physical Education/Health assignments for our Kindergarten on here too. I have inserted our paper making process video just as a sample for you to watch and enjoy.

We will continue our Kindergarten curriculum Over the next few weeks learning about:
  • Language Arts: Reading, journal writing, puppetry
  • Mathematics: Money
  • Science: Spring time
  • Bible and Devotions: Lent and Easter
  • French Vocabulary: Spring 
  • Social Studies: When I Grow Up
  • Technology: Keyboarding Practice
  • Physical Education by Mr. Wozney
  • Music by Mr. Badiuk. 
If you need anything please email me at

Mrs. Van Dale
